Cuban Cigars holds a reputation as the world's most opulent Tobacco product. A box of good quality Habanos can cost you thousands of Rupees.
From seed to cigar, each hand-rolled Cuban cigar undergoes about 500 manual tasks. Cigars produced in other Caribbean and Central American nations are now similar in terms of price, consistency, and quality over the past 25 years.
Some of the experts suggest that over 95% of Cuban Cigars sold in the market are actually counterfeit. So why Cuban Cigars are so Desirable & Expensive?
Cuba's tradition of cigar production dates back more than 200 years. In a process that takes about a year, Tobacco leaves are grown, harvested and hung in drying houses called Secaderos. Before a slow fermentation that improves flavor, aroma, and burning qualities takes place. Each leaf is examined for quality, type, and appearance before being given to a Torcedor, a highly skilled cigar roller which is well-respected in Cuban society.
Each Cuban Cigar is made up of five type of leaves.
A leaf that is called Ligero, which gives strength to the Cigar. Another one is Seco, which helps in the Aroma. Another leaf is called Volado, which is incharge of Combustion inside the Cigar. Followed by the Binder, that wraps the Ligero, Seco & Volado. And the last leaf is Wrapper, it is the one that dresses up the Cigar and give presentation to the Cigar.
Before they leave the factory, every cigar is checked to see if it is well made, properly rolled and free from any flaws. It has been estimated that it takes over 100 steps to produce a single Cuban cigar, hence their high price point. It is the care and detail that goes into making each one that sets them apart from other types of cigar.
We at Jonnybaba ensures that you get worth for what you pay. Our Quality Maintainence team Ensures each Cuban Cigar we sell is authentic, fresh and up to the Mark.
Our Top 5 Pick for the best Cuban Cigars available at Jonnybaba Store
- Montecristo - Montecristo is one of the most recognized Habanos brands in the world. Montecristo could be considered to be the benchmark by which all other Habanos are measured.
- Partagas - Established in Havana in the year 1845, Partagás is one of the oldest cigar brands. In 1845 Don Jaime Partagás y Ravelo set up his own factory, Real Fábricas de Tobaco Partagás, after his long term employment in the Cuban tobacco business.
- Henri Wintermans - Henri Wintermans is one of the most successful Dutch cigars. Henri Wintermans life began as a rift between two Dutch brothers, Jacques Wintermans & Henri Wintermans in 1938. The blend of Cuban, Brazilian & Java tobaccos produce a rich and smooth smoke. Spicy flavours from the Cuban leaf and an element of sweetness from the Brazilian filler and wrapper. Each cigar comes sealed, maintaining freshness for a smooth and light draw.
- Madrigal Picador - Madrigal Picador cigars are handmade by tabaquero masters who guarantee a special creation, using the finest and perfect aged tobaccos of San Andres. An every day affordable cigar, maximum flavour, medium bodied and value for money price. The Madrigal Picador cigars guarantee quality with an outstanding smoke at a great price.
- Santa Clara - This cigar represents the company’s tradition of almost 2 centuries in the tobacco art. It is a favorite among connoiseurs and represents the determination of our company to offer a unique product. Santa Clara 1830 Robusto Puro is the perfect cigar for those who know how to appreciate the patience in the aging of an exceptional tobacco.
Get your hands on our authentic Cuban & Non Cuban Cigars with our exceptional delivery system, after sales service and hassle free returns.
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