Rs. 499.00
This piece will transform the way you enjoy hand-rolled papers forever. The Martian Bubbler is a super compact bong for use with papers and wraps simply fit your papers into it an enjoy smooth, water-cooled hits!
We’ve seen a huge amount of demand for the Martian Bubbler for wraps, and with good reason. It will change the way you smoke wraps and papers forever. It uses an innovative waterpipe-inspired design to cool your hits and allow you to enjoy your wraps as with the same smooth ease of a bong hit.
The Martian Bubbler is an innovative product that takes the basic concept of a bong or glass bubbler and applies it to a compact piece of glass meant to work with your wraps. The Martian is only a few cm tall, and features a stable glass base that will keep it from tipping over when not in use.
Dimensions - 3 x 2 inch
Buy three of these in one go. They are delicate. Your body will thank you for this little purchase. I tend to break mine so I always get a few in one go. Handle careful but go do it.
There should be offers for buying multiple of these, that’s how good these are.
Honestly surprised why this item has less reviews.
Your throat will thank you for this investment.
Amazing product:))
Bought 2 of these a third time... Very good